Teledyne TapTone is an innovator in package inspection technology. TapTone has a range of patented inspection systems for the food, beverage, chemical, health and beauty, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical markets . TapTone’s original acoustic sensor became the gold standard in glass beer bottle inspection and its line of compression and force systems are used world-wide for leak inspection on flexible plastic containers and pressurized metal and plastic containers. TapTone continues to innovate in leak detection and will be featuring its latest patented technology for testing foil sealed cups and tubs inside the filler. TapTone operates a free sample testing service that can be used to determine which system is right for your container inspection before you purchase the system.
Teledyne TapTone is a business unit of Teledyne Instruments, a division of Teledyne Technologies based in Thousand Oaks, California. The Instrumentation segment provides measurement, monitoring and control instruments for marine, environmental, scientific and industrial applications. Instruments also provides power and communications connectivity devices for distributed instrumentation systems and sensor networks deployed in mission critical, harsh environments.

Teledyne TapTone manufacturing facility in North Falmouth, Massachusetts is co-located with sister companies in Teledyne Marine.